So often we come up with the greatest ideas and they don’t turn out as we planned. It doesn’t mean that the message wasn’t for you or you received it incorrectly, it just means it was the starting block on a new adventure. Spirit is wanting you to know that everything is created by design. If we make a decision, regardless of the area in our lives we are searching, we will receive “everything that we want and more “. We need allow for that to happen by continuing on our quest forward.
My most recent lesson came in the form of me purchasing a car. Yes, I quit my day job and decided to buy a luxury vehicle. Why? Simply because I have dreamt of it in the past and I saw an opportunity to make it happen. I confidently went to dealer ships and drove cars knowing that I could afford to buy the vehicle . Not a brand new one but that wasn’t a problem. The problem is I didn’t dare to dream for everything I could have and more.
Yes, I could afford it howeve if problem occurred is more costly . We’re repairs a priority over the many activities that I love? I came to the decision that my love of time with family and friends, love of travel and financial stability were most important. Fortunately I am a generating manifester and I allowed the curiosity to flow. Opportunities started to come my way and the hints of spirit reviled themselves.
My mom has a Nissan Rogue. Whenever I get in the vehicle I have always said in my mind “I would like to have one of these”. I went back to the crosstrec that suited me I’m my previous job but wasn’t for me now. It was the universe and the love of my father that showed up. My dad reminded me of the time he bought me my first brand new car. He decide to show me the car he not only trusted my mother to drive he trusted it for me as well. My take on the vehicle, it is the same colour as the BMW that I loved, has far more safety features , fun options, remote start, sunroof, sport mode and a app that does it all for you. I didn’t even know all the features you can find in a car yet they all showed up for me with a price tag I could afford.
I share this story because it is absolutely something you can do. Keep moving forward, try new things. If they don’t work out be ready and watch for the signs that the best has yet to come. All we need is a little patience.
In love and light , enjoy you day